Homeopathy, or Homeopathic Medicine, is the practice of medicine that embraces a holistic, natural approach to staying healthy.  Homeopathy treats the person as a whole, rather than focusing on a diseased part or a labeled sickness.  Homeopathy is natural, its remedies are produced according to the U.S. FDA-recognized Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States from natural sources.


Homeopathy is considered by some to be the most effective form of natural medicine developed in the last 200 years. Discovered in the late 1700s by a German physician and chemist named Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy has since been practiced throughout the world. It uses tiny doses of natural substances from the plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms to stimulate a person’s inherent ability to heal themselves.


Reasons for using homeopathy: Prevent Colds and Flu, Speed recovery from injuries and surgery, Boost your immune system, Avoid the use of antibiotics if at all possible. Use it before and after dental work and surgeries. The theory is that homeopathic remedies are able to stimulate the body’s own healing abilities.


A beginners guide to Homeopathy

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